Bratislava Airport v Bratislava

SlovenskoBratislava Airport


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🕗 otváracia doba

Ivanská cesta, 820 01, Bratislava, SK Slovakia
kontakty telefón: +421 2/330 333 53
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Latitude: 48.1702634, Longitude: 17.2105238

komentári 5

  • Igor Georgioski

    Igor Georgioski


    A very small and well organized airport. Toilets and baby rooms are available on each floor and are very clean. It has a kid's corner where you can entertain your kid while waiting for your flight. There is also a smoking place inside the airport, which in fact is a coffee shop in which only it's guests are allowed to come inside and have a cigarette. The tax free box is right after you pass passport control. The only downside is the WiFi coverage. There is no WiFi available after you pass the passport control on gates 9-13.

  • doko doko

    doko doko


    Our flight was quite late, so the airport seemed empty. But it was quite organized, we did not have to wait very much. there were only two free shops. One before a border check, and one after. They have a distinct zone for priority boarding.

  • Rastislav Koža

    Rastislav Koža


    Because of size of the AP, I expected better services and relevant info from official web of the AP. First surprise was cleanliness at the toilets. Missing paper towels, soap and dirty bidets are unacceptable. And then I went through the security check (because on official web is info there is kids corner) to give a chance to my daughter to spend waiting time for gate open in kids corner. But in reality, there no kids corner next to Tha gate no. 1. Wrong, wrong, wrong.

  • Nicholas Kubera-Farrant

    Nicholas Kubera-Farrant


    I think the fact this airport is small is the best thing about it. You can quickly get through security and be in the lounge in less than 30 minutes. There could be more choice of shops, but the essential ones are there. Overall a calm atmosphere and a nice clean airport.

  • Krzysztof Nowakowski

    Krzysztof Nowakowski


    It's average size. Yes it's clean. 3 small shops. And... Meat in a can is a liquid!!! My funny gift for my brother in low turn to nothing. "Nice" security man said that i can send it as a normal luggage. 7 € tin? Joke

najbližšia Letisko

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