Bratislavský meštiansky pivovar v Bratislavský kraj

SlovenskoBratislavský meštiansky pivovar



🕗 otváracia doba

21, Dunajská, 811 08, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakty telefón: +421 948 710 888
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Latitude: 48.1458178, Longitude: 17.1178633

komentári 5

  • Katarína Hančovská

    Katarína Hančovská


    Good selection of home-made food, tasty beer, nice and helpful staff, I enjoyed my dinner. Outside sitting area is large with playground - ideal for families.

  • Viktor V

    Viktor V


    Restaurant with a lot of seats and in summer garden seating as well. Great for bigger groups, waiting times higher, they serve own beer. Small toilets full of air freshener.

  • David Shirley

    David Shirley


    This restaurant has really gone down hill and down hill fast. The food is ok but it is over priced. The outdoor area is good. The service here can absolutely appalling. It is a real gamble as which waitress you will get. We went twice in one week first waitress was good. The second time probably one of the worst I ever had. Not only absent minded but also rude. I rarely feel the need to ask for the manager, however after waiting over 30 minutes just to get a drink. When I approached the waitress I was told I would have to wait 15 minutes, even though I pointed out she had served to customers that I arrived after us. We left after waiting 10 minutes to see a manager.

  • Pavol Jasem

    Pavol Jasem


    Changing from 4 to 3 stars: Meal selection is great, quality remains very good. However, the summer patio is totally understaffed. Better ask for two beers at once or you'll wait for good 30 minutes to order the one

  • jakub xotox kovacs

    jakub xotox kovacs


    Most meat foods are really good looking and tasty. Why i subtracted stars is this: Restaurant serves tap water with lemon, so they can charge 3.5€. I see that as a cash grab. When we ordered special type of pancakes (lievance) we received cupcakes instead. It is made of different dough. As a group, one member was waiting (alone) so long for his food, that all others could finish their food twice. They also messed up our tea order and then waiter was trying to convince us what we wanted. For the prices they have I expect much more than only a tasty food.

najbližšia Bar

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