Castle Hill Apartment Bratislava v Bratislavský kraj

SlovenskoCastle Hill Apartment Bratislava



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1, Hradné údolie, 811 01, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakty telefón: +421 905 213 640
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Latitude: 48.1432871, Longitude: 17.0954005

komentári 5

  • Nina K

    Nina K


    The location could not be better, the hosts are most welcoming, the apartment is spacious and comfortable. Highly recommend!

  • en

    Francisco Fernandes


    We stayed during Easter in this apartment. The owners were really helpful with check in and check out! It has a great location next to the castle and the city center is reachable by foot! It has a balcony on the top with an amazing view over Bratislava! Already know where I will book next time I'm in Bratislava!

  • en

    Peter Popluhár


    I came to Bratislava from Czech republic for 2 days with my colleague and this seemed to be a great place for our stay. The owner was flexible and everything was solved really quickly and comfortably. We were really surprised by the interior, which can be easily compared to a 5* hotel. Everything was perfectly clean and we felt great here. I can definitely recommend.

  • Martin Michelík

    Martin Michelík


    My friend recommended me to spend weekend at place which is located close to the historical downtown and has easy access to the public transportation. And he was right, this place is situated nearby the castle, and its really nice and comfortable. It is well furnished, and has a wifi connection. I had perfect time in Bratislava, went to some parties and enjoyed my stay. Great place, great people...enjoy! Martin Prague

  • Mirta Gonzalez

    Mirta Gonzalez


    I spent the week of March 8, 2013 in Bratislava on vacation and stayed at a wonderful one bedroom apartment that can also accommodate up to five people. So if your looking for the perfect apartment then you found it. This place is cozy, clean, and very comfortable. I loved that it was located so close to downtown Bratislava making it very convenient to get around by foot if you do not have a car. The view of the castle is incredible and public transportation is so close if you need it. I highly recommend this place to stay at and I would book it before someone else does, plus the owners are great people. Mirta G. From USA

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