Embassy of the Czech Republic -

SzlovákiaEmbassy of the Czech Republic



🕗 Nyitva tartás

8, Hviezdoslavovo námestie, 811 02, Bratislava - Staré Mesto, Bratislava I, SK Slowakei
érintkezés telefon: +421 2/592 033 01
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 48.1410131, Longitude: 17.1070061

hozzászólások 2

  • en

    Tseng John


    Never have I witnessed such spiteful, unprofessional attitude towards a foreigner. To think this is an embassy, a place where international etiquette and courtesy should be of utmost priority! "Get out, sir"? I'm sorry, excuse me? I'm dead sure this place is the Czech Embassy, not Gordon Ramsay's Hell's Kitchen, unless this is some egregious joke on his part. Adding the "sir" at the end only serves to confirm that you at least can comprehend the concept of "courtesy", so your insulting choice of diction can only be a deliberate act of repugnant motives. Perhaps what occurred was just an unfortunate misunderstanding - maybe you mistook me for a random stranger who was trespassing into the embassy, when in fact I was accompanying my friend, who was literally in the NEXT BOOTH, ready to assist her should any difficulties arise. The fact that I tried to diffuse the situation by explaining my being in the compound, and yet you refused to listen to reason, only serves to consolidate your image as potential irrational racists to your own detriment, not mine. The only reason I am leaving a single star in this review is because they ultimately helped my friend apply for a visa, and because, deep down, I still believe that the citizens of the Czech Republic are convivial, amicable people, like the stranger who helped me on his own volition back when I was in a restaurant in Prague. Anyone working in an embassy represents their own country's values, virtues, and attitude; they are the diplomats of the country, no matter their profession or role within the office. To think that a random Czech, serendipitously encountered in a cafe, would be better suited to a job in this embassy than the office worker that drove me out, who presumably was employed through an inextricable process of rigorous scrutiny - tests, interviews, etc., is irrevocable irony in its purest form. If this worker was a hasted employment, then I might condone what transpired yesterday; however, if this worker is a "certified" employee who, ostensibly, met all the requirements of an open vocation at the Czech Embassy, then all I can say is - even a house pet would know to distinguish the good people from the bad. A fair warning to people of color entering this embassy - Please, I say with utmost candor, if the worst does happen to you, do not be repulsed by their dismissive dispositions to you and judge the entire Czech population based on what you will experience. You deserve better than this. We deserve better than this. The Czech deserve better than this.

  • Michal Blaha

    Michal Blaha


    Super ochota a pomoc.

legközelebbi Nagykövetség

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