Grand Cru Wine Gallery -

SzlovákiaGrand Cru Wine Gallery



🕗 Nyitva tartás

8, Zámočnícka, 81103, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
érintkezés telefon: +421 908 656 259
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 48.145004, Longitude: 17.107673

hozzászólások 5

  • Marek Svanda

    Marek Svanda


    One of my most favourite wine bar in the whole of the world. Fantastic, not just, Slovakian wine to try there. Great service too.

  • en

    Elle Raine


    This is an amazing and A MUST wine bar if you're visiting Bratislava. Even if you're on a budget set aside a couple euros to drink some great Slovakian wine. The owner gets to know you and every wine is amazing (and not that pricey) ask by the glass and the owner is more than happy to give you. One of the best wine bars we've been in all of Europe.

  • Parichay Mehta

    Parichay Mehta


    This might be the first review where I'm mentioning the owner's name instead of his place. It's worth it because Martin defines Grand Cru Wine Gallery. He has put his heart & soul in building this place. It shows in his hospitality that how much he loves his job (or hobby perhaps?). His collection of wines is huge! He has wines from almost all parts of the world & he knows his wine well. He will suggest you his favorites, get you your favorites & make sure you have a gala time. The place itself is very interesting. Do visit the basement which is some 200 years old tunnel now converted into a sitting arrangement for guests. Go for it whenever you're in Bratislava for great wines & conversations. Martin might be one of the Slovakian wonders that you'd want to meet.

  • Nikolay Smorchkov

    Nikolay Smorchkov


    Very nice host. Thanks a lot it’s absolutely great. I have to visit one more time.

  • Chris Nguyen

    Chris Nguyen


    Absolutely fantastic. Martin was an amazing host. He showed us great local white wines from Slovakia. I am recommending this place to all of my friends and will definitely come back when I come to Bratislava.

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