Hotel Grand Matej -

SzlovákiaHotel Grand Matej


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🕗 Nyitva tartás

5, Kammerhofská, 969 01, Banská Štiavnica, Banskobystrický kraj, SK Slovakia
érintkezés telefon: +421 45/692 12 13
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 48.4581133, Longitude: 18.8967534

hozzászólások 5

  • Robert Szmurlo

    Robert Szmurlo


    The hotel is old and one can feel some post communist atmosphere. The breakfast was acceptable but not very tasty. Nobody got seek of the food but it was not very tasty. The rooms were 'conditionally clean' excepting the dust in a few places and unfinished painting at some corners. The bathroom was extremely vast and vontskned a huge bath tube. The towel were clean and replaced every day.

  • Ľuboš Draškovec

    Ľuboš Draškovec


    I expected more from the label "Grand hotel". This one is fine, if you need only the place to sleep. The room is clean, but do not expect anything more. The best thing about this hotel is it's location.

  • Cris Romero

    Cris Romero


    Good place to stay. Quality of breakfast good, variety good and beds very comfortable. The views from my room were nice. Wi-Fi doesn't work 100% but it is quiet good. There is also parking. They have a restaurant on the parallel street, and it is really tasty.

  • Balint Balint

    Balint Balint


    There is a lot of problem with the staff, with the welcome. It can ruin Your day this kind of welcome You got here. Some rooms are quite different like in description or like in the pictures. Not recommend

  • Katarina Tomekova

    Katarina Tomekova


    I stayed there for one night and it was far enough. I guess I will not come back again. I am really curious how they could get 4 stars ? I would give 2, max 3 in the better days. Asked for the quiet room .. got the noisy one right in front of the stairs. Rooms without the AC, not as clean as I would expected. Bed was ok. Breakfast was ok as well but it was not possible to order real coffee or cappuccino. 2 stars.

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