Hotel Set **** i Bratislavský kraj

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SlovakietHotel Set ****



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12085/29A, Kalinčiakova, 831 04, Bratislava III, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 915 930 583
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.1618086, Longitude: 17.1365766

kommentar 5

  • en

    Emilian Ursu


    We sat at this hotel for two nights on a city break. Overall we were happy, the room was large and clean, a huge bathroom- good value for money. Also, I was impressed by their costumer service: polite staff, emails to inform you about the room, including the possibility to check-in online. The only problem that we found was the location- the hotel is about 3.5k from the city centre.

  • 李旻霞



    The room is really cozy, nice and clean! The reception is high efficient and kind. Also provides useful info to us. The location of the hotel is easy to find. Good and silent place! The most surprised me is that there is a nonstop good restaurant close to the hotel. We arrived at late night in the first Jan without taking dinner, we tried there, not bad! Strong advised this hotel! 👌👌👍👍😉😉

  • Corina Maria

    Corina Maria


    Very nice and clean hotel downtown, next to tennis courts. Not so great breakfast.

  • en

    Help And Advice


    Good location, good food!!! Just perfect for two days with family!!!

  • en

    Pavel Baron


    Very good location, good price and excellent service .. that was at hotel SET.

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