Hotel Štefánik v Trenčiansky kraj

SlovenskoHotel Štefánik


žiadne informácie

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513/37, Nám. M. R. Štefánika, 907 01, Myjava, Trenčiansky kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakty telefón: +421 34/621 21 21
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Latitude: 48.7492203, Longitude: 17.5645832

komentári 5

  • Miroslav Vajs

    Miroslav Vajs


    Nice, modern and clean hotel in the center of Myjava town.

  • Ivan Bosmansky

    Ivan Bosmansky


    Perfect! We had a small wedding at this lovely hotel, and we couldn't have been more satisfied. Decor is very nice looking with cozy atmosphere. Food was great and guests also liked great wine selection and tasty beer from small brewery Erb. Staff was very helpful, especially manager who helped a lot with organisation and everything. Even with big event happening in the town, we had free parking for our wedding guests. So I fully recommend, best choice in this part of the country.

  • Ajda Ahmet

    Ajda Ahmet


    Beautiful and very comfortable hotel, close to the main street in the very green part of Slovakia! They have spa and pool even tho I never used it while I have been there! Breakfast was very good. The only negative thing is that in the evenings there is discoteque downstairs and it gets very noisy. Plus a lot of things is happening in font of the hotel and you can hear it under th windows during that time. Everything else was ok i would come again.

  • Patrik Klein

    Patrik Klein


    Super hotel so super službami. :)

  • Vicky Adams

    Vicky Adams


    Nice hotel, decent quality. Rooms are decent with key emenities. Hotel bar/ restaurant provides good beer and good quality food. Stayed here before and enjoy it. One small negative, is that it seems I was put in the disabled room so the toilet was quite high, I could even reach my feet on the floor, was a bit annoyed. Otherwise a good hotel and would stay here again.

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