Jean Louis David -

SzlovákiaJean Louis David



🕗 Nyitva tartás

Vysoká, 811 06, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
érintkezés telefon: +421 917 974 044
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 48.1491048, Longitude: 17.1115293

hozzászólások 5

  • en

    Katka M


    Most of the stuff has a good at haircutting technique and they do not push you to colouring your hair as it is usual in Slovakia. It is on the pricier side, but they use quality products, you get a free coffee or water and a bit of pampering care. The stuff speak English, the boss speaks French. Pre-booking is not needed or even not available, but some waiting time has to be foreseen - depends on the day and time you choose. Parking options are limited in the area.

  • en

    parsa bazyari


    Nice price good work,... nice place

  • Mikis Moselt

    Mikis Moselt


    My hairstylist in Bratislava since years. True international atmosphere. Real amazing French owner and it's great team... never disappointed. Yes, true, you cannot book... and sometimes the waiting can get a bit annoying... but I still wouldn't change it for anything else in town!!!

  • en

    Mathilda Erk


    Just been to Jean Louis David and I can't believe that I've been charged for a mask as well. :( I do like my hair cut and even considered to go to this Salon again. That was before I got the bill. When I asked the lady at wich point the masked has been used, she explained me that it was in the end. What has actually been used in the end was the JLD 10 in 1 mask spray. After googling, I found out that a bottle costs 15 EUR. So to charge me 8 EUR she must have used half the bottle, wich of course she didn't. On the receipt it was mentioned as a Kerastase Mask. This already seems like a scam, as a few other people already reported the same here. Also I've got a 4 EUR extra charge for blow drying my hair (already had to pay 12 EUR for blow dry long hair). I have to admit, that I do have a lot of hair, but I've never been extra charged for blow drying from any other haircutter so far. If you consider to go there, maybe you could try to tell them that you don't want a mask right at the beginning.

  • en

    Yuan Gao


    Let me start with something positive first. All the services( shampooing, cutting and blow drying) were professionally done. My hairdresser spoke pretty good English but the experience was NOT pleasant. When I sat down on the styling chair, she took a look at my hair and said it was very bad. I haven't had my haircut for months in this new country that's true but isn't part of the service to make my hair look better and make the client feel better. Not to make client herself feel bad first and then make them look better. Secondly she felt the need to explain to me how the styling robe works. I am Asian not sure if that made the difference. But it made me wonder. I won't go there again because of how I felt while receiving the service.

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