Leberfinger v Bratislava-Petržalka

Koronavírusová choroba (COVID-19) Situácia

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Viedenská cesta 257, 851 01 Bratislava-Petržalka-Petržalka, Slovakia
kontakty telefón: +421 2/623 175 90
web stránka: www.leberfinger.sk
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Latitude: 48.1366065, Longitude: 17.1075348

komentári 5

  • Juraj Rakus

    Juraj Rakus


    Superb food. Service lags behind. however great experience

  • Nikki Golesworthy

    Nikki Golesworthy


    A lovely afternoon in the sun and enjoyable meal after the nearby brewery boat on the Danube that we went to first had run out of dark beer and food was an hour wait. So we came to this restaurant instead. Curt staff but the food was very enjoyable

  • Juraj Ondrejkovic

    Juraj Ondrejkovic


    Very nice location and good choice on the menu. The big but; was the service, 1. slow: we had to wait 15min only to get a menu, another 10 to be able to order after reminders. 2. attitude: personnel seemed rude to customers, especially one older waitress would give an impression of hating her job and making it look like she was doing a favor to the customers. We saw several customers so upset they would simply walk out. The other issue was that the English and German menu didn’t match the Slovak menu. The explanation was that it wasn’t updated “yet”. Finally after we ordered and waited another 10min, we were told that the kitchen run out of multiple ingredients - and we had to change several ordered dishes. Advice for the management: 1. Don’t let angry waiters serve customers, give them a day off or let them work elsewhere 2. Update your menus so that all offer the same and for the same price 3. When something doesn’t work or you are too busy to deliver full service make sure to apologize 4. Ensure that the kitchen and waiters communicate about running out of ingredients so that waiters can warn customers “before” not “after” they order 5. You may want to hire more personnel for busy days such as May 1 6. You have a great location, tasty food and lot of choice for decent price - keep it up

  • Pavel Kitko

    Pavel Kitko


    Service was quite hostile, food average and prices too high. Its a pitty that such place with great location is not so good :(

  • Sabina P.

    Sabina P.


    Absolutely satisfied with our visit! We had mix starters, soups and goose with cabbage and all were magnificent:) Excellent service and awesome view of the city across the Danube! Highly recommended!

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