MAD DROP Espresso & Brew Bar v Bratislavský kraj

SlovenskoMAD DROP Espresso & Brew Bar



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2799/24, Radlinského, 811 07, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakty telefón: +421 911 906 061
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Latitude: 48.1535173, Longitude: 17.119129

komentári 5

  • Adam Javorcek

    Adam Javorcek


    Cool hip coffee place. I could really tell their beans were different from the "Bratislava Standard" ones. Also, there is a quiet open air garden in the back which is nice, especially in the summer. Will come visit again sometime.

  • Peter Menhart

    Peter Menhart


    Very nice experience. Friendly staff, excellent coffee and heavenly poppy seed cake!

  • Mattto M

    Mattto M


    Imagine fantastic coup of double espresso and metal music fused in one. This is it. Heaven.

  • Matej Hargas

    Matej Hargas


    I unfortunately have to revisit my review. Last time I went, the staff were quite obviously not bothered with me as a customer (asking "what was it you had?" when I asked for the bill was the final straw). Also, not to offend anyone's music tastes but the heavy metal made my ears bleed, my head ache and made me want to leave as soon as possible. Many other options in town, so I will not revisit, I guess. (Original review: Amazing coffee from nice people who understand specialty coffee and like to talk about it. Didn't try the filters but the espresso was really really good and the special called Liquid Candy (white hot chocolate with an espresso shot) was just what I needed. Back yard with great views and great potential.)

  • Adam Zelenay

    Adam Zelenay


    Probably one of the best cafes in Bratislava. The coffee is delicious and they are more than happy to recommend you one according to your tastes. But more than that, the atmosphere is brilliant - it is a 'metal' cafe, but the the music is playing lightly in the background, so you can talk with your friends. If you are not a metal person, it doesnt matter - you will feel great anyway and you can enjoy the art on the walls. Staff was very pleasant and knowledgeable, which is always a nice bonus.

najbližšia Kaviareň

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