Miskolctapolca Cave Bath -

SzlovákiaMiskolctapolca Cave Bath



🕗 Nyitva tartás

1, Pazár István sétány, 3519, Miskolc, HU Hungary
érintkezés telefon: +36 46 560 030
weboldal: www.barlangfurdo.hu
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 48.0602161, Longitude: 20.7450941

hozzászólások 5

  • Mariann Kiss

    Mariann Kiss


    Spent the day here, it was amazing! Great pools for kids. Nice craft beer, lots of pools, nice and clean. Food was good too. The caves were a wonderful experience! Beautiful parks around nearby, gorgeous little town. Worth the visit!

  • Bunghez Bogdan

    Bunghez Bogdan


    Great... totally worthed I was first time in 2009 on a short break from a business trip. I am glad that I come back after 6 years and bring my wife and my friends, it was very good; we can set a tradition for this location but I know for sure that there are many other beautiful places to explore. visit: Aug-2009; Dec-2015; Dec-2016

  • en

    Alexandra Hirku


    The actual cave bath is definitely worth visiting. The area with the lockers and changing rooms smelled,looked really bad all day and could use some more attention. There are a lot of things that could use some renovations but over all it was fine The reason why I am giving one star is little kiosks/restaurants and their employees. First of all there was about a 30 minutes wait for food that was microwaved,pretty pricey and wasn't very good.This was the restaurant inside. Then we decided to try and grab coffee at Zip's.The place looked very comfy but the 2 gentlemen worked there had absolutely no idea what they were doing. After about 15 minutes of watching them struggle with 2 lemonades,prices,language and really everything...we left. Desperate to find a place with coffee we moved on to Tovis Bufe. We were even joking around how awful the other place was...thinking there is no way this experience is going to be worse. Well,let me tell you!We asked for 2 cappuccinos and a regular coffee. The coffee machine was a basic "push a button" and it will give you 3 kinda of coffee. They had no idea how to even operate it.They didn't notice that it was only giving steam milk and water...no coffee. After pointing out the problem it took about another 20 minutes to figure out how to refill the coffee beans. Needless to say all we had is bad customer service,rude and careless employees.It really felt like they have absolutely no idea of anything they were doing. It is a shame that they let them ruin the experience of this beautiful place.

  • The Deitle

    The Deitle


    This place was cool. Came from the USA, different from the pictures I saw on the computer. I had the impression that it was going to be warm steam water or something more like a real cave.

  • Marc Fortier

    Marc Fortier


    The cave baths were really neat to swim around in. Most of the water was less than warm, only warm in the roman bath portion. Worth checking out! We went at opening on a Sunday morning and left before it got crowded. Municipal parking was free on Sunday.

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