Nata Lisboa i Bratislavský kraj

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SlovakietNata Lisboa



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342/11, Michalská, 811 01, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 918 457 080
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Latitude: 48.1449201, Longitude: 17.1066873

kommentar 5

  • Treven Feleciano

    Treven Feleciano


    WOW!!!!!!!!!! This place is simply amazing. Quick bite to eat. The are known for their little custard tarts. I like the ham and cheese toast. And they have great help.

  • Angeliki Panagiotidou

    Angeliki Panagiotidou


    Highly recommend. Really like the pasteli of Lisbon. So tasty. And the Bica - espresso is really good. Friendly place in the center of historical district.

  • Rudolf Stefanich

    Rudolf Stefanich


    Excellent portogese style Natas! We enjoyed a perfect espresso with a crispy nata right in front of the old watch tower. Owner is portogese and his wife is so friendly! Will come again 🙂

  • Loïc Etienne

    Loïc Etienne


    A little piece of Portugal in Bratislava. Great expresso and tasty pastel de nata :)

  • en

    Katarina Cajkovicova


    Such a great place if you want to try the taste of Lisbon. Pastel de nata tastes just like the one we had in Lisbon there. Staff is very friendly too. Highly recommended!

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