Pension Antonio -

SzlovákiaPension Antonio


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Jarková 22, 080 01 Prešov, Eslovaquia
érintkezés telefon: +421 948 898 759
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 48.9961073, Longitude: 21.2395834

hozzászólások 5

  • Cyphar Hopkins

    Cyphar Hopkins


    Great spot if you want to be in the old town. The parking on front of it is public but was never difficult to find. The room was clean and spacious. It'd be a 4.5 or 5 star if a couple of flaws were sorted out... especially #3. #1. The wi-fi was quite weak. Networks (kudos on having multiple) frequently dropped and disappeared. #2. There is a decent sized tv, but it's on the kind of wall mount that allows zero movement. This was an issue because it faces the need instead of the massive (and quite lovely couch). It's also so firmly mounted that I couldn't even plug in a USB with a movie, which was too bad because everything on was dubbed in Slovak or Czech. #3. The big issue is the design of the toilet. It is disgusting. Directly beneath where you do your business is a sort of porcelain shelf. The water and exit are about 8 inches in front of said shelf. All your waste sits on this shelf for you to behold in all its glory. You've never realized the magic of submerged poop until this toilet. It ends up smelling like and outhouse in there. Aaaaaand forget a courtesy flush unless you want to fecally glitter your undercarriage. This toilet even makes peeing a choir as you have to side straddle it to avoid hitting that same shelf which causes Olympic gold medal spraying distances.

  • Kristine Kienast

    Kristine Kienast


    Classy and nicely renovated, the room we stayed in was very spacious with two large windows (only one side of the windows opened unfortunately) and an old fireplace. The bathroom was great - there was a small window in there, too, which was pleasant. The sofa was huge and had a lounge on one side. The TV was fine, but we couldn't connect our laptop via HDMI cord because the mounting is so close to the wall. Sockets are near the sofa and both sides of the bed which was comfortable. Wifi worked well until our last day when the routers came and went. There was a full length mirror on the wardrobe. There is a shared mini-fridge on the ground floor. The location was great for walking around the old town, and there is a fantastic simple bakery right across the street that sells amazing poppyseed sweetrolls. Recommend this place.

  • Em ball

    Em ball


    Velmi prijemne prostredie. Maximalna spokojnost so vsetkym co penzion ponuka

  • sk

    Kevin Farkaš


    Dobry den bol som ubytovany so svojimi priatelmi v penzione Antonio. Izba v ktorej sme boli ubytovani vobec nezodpovedala obrazku na internete. Clovek nie je narocny ale urcity standart kedze sa jedna o penzion a nie turisticku ubytovnu by mohol byt. Prekvapil ma hlavne ozlknuty zaves v sprche, usadeny prach na nabytku, zima v izbe ale HLAVNE neochotny personal. Pani veduca alebo teda majitelka sa spravala ku nam ako k nejakym detom na internate- prikazovala nam zatvarat dvere a hlavnu branu, nepustat radiator, kazde rano presla okolo jedalany ako matoha nikomu z hosti nezazelala dobre rano ci snad dobru chut. Po poslednej noci som sa chcel odubytovat po prichode som vsak zistil ze dvere do recepcie su zamknute v hoteli nikto nebol. Neviem ako by reagoval personal keby bolo niekomu zle alebo by sa nieco stalo a nik z personalu tak nebol pre potreby hosta. Som velmi skalmany a preto neodporucam tento penzion nikomu. Kevin

  • Branislav Párnický

    Branislav Párnický


    Zatiaľ som len telefonicky objednával rezerváciu a už musím podotknúť že od samého začiatku sa niesol rozhovor v humornom a rodinnom duchu :D :D. Slečne pri telefóne som určite spríjemnil večer :D. Takže na začiatok príjemné vystupovanie a dobrá cena ;).

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