PLANEO Quick time v Bratislavský kraj

SlovenskoPLANEO Quick time


žiadne informácie

🕗 otváracia doba

6, Metodova, 821 08, Bratislava II, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakty telefón: +421
web stránka:
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Latitude: 48.1572792, Longitude: 17.1300425

komentári 5

  • Евгений Каета

    Евгений Каета


    Хто буде тут їсти, рекомендую кафе the GRILL! Дуже смачно!!!

  • en

    Waldemar Végh






    For all the shopping centers in Bratislava this one is my favorite. The parking garage is the cleanest and best maintained. Never a jam getting in/out. The pharmacy is really nice there with very friendly staff and most of them speak English and they are really helpful. Everything is convenient and the food court has some great restaurants. I think they have the best Asian food, Bok Simply Asia, in town with a staff that uses fresh and good quality meat and ingredients. They have a great menu and aim to please (which is rare here in Slovakia). Most of the stores are good and practical and we can get most of all our shopping there. They also have a VUB branch with an ATM machine that will take deposits which saves a bundle of time. All in all a great place, especially the people at "Vaša lekáreň" who always can help with medicine advice, perscriptions, and if they don't have something they are happy to order it and usually it comes in the same day. There is also a nice medical clinic there but we haven't tried it yet.

  • Miguel Locutus Borg

    Miguel Locutus Borg


    Muy bueno. Pero Falta mas restaurantes

  • Roman Sevcik

    Roman Sevcik



najbližšia Klenotníctvo

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