ŠD Mladá garda i Bratislavský kraj

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SlovakietŠD Mladá garda


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103, Račianska, 831 02, Bratislava III, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 918 664 020
internet side: garda.sk
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Latitude: 48.1772499, Longitude: 17.1266664

kommentar 5

  • Peter Borsuk

    Peter Borsuk


    Dormitory with good facilities for outdoor sports, there is football playground with artificial grass, running track and tennis court. During weekends there are usually football league games is place. You can have a beer or kofola in local small pub with terrace in summer.

  • michal racko

    michal racko


    You won’t find better place to get lactate 🏃‍♂️

  • Prateek Prakash

    Prateek Prakash


    It is one of the most beautiful and complete Dormitories of Slovakia where you would find sports, love and education in the most bizarre and interesting fashion. I would love to stay here any time of my life whether I am a student or professional working for a company. Thanking you Bratislava for teaching and giving me so much.

  • Robert Ölei

    Robert Ölei


    This place is cheap compared to other places in Bratislava but still not cheap enough for what you get. Two beds with a terrible metrace which were really dirty. The shower was OK but the paint came down at some places. The building from the inside is OK but for me pretty ugly. I don't think that I will stay here again. And be prepared that the people at the reception won't speak English.

  • en

    Alex Daniel


    Cozy dorm.. No rules, yet very clean and not so loud.. I loved staying there :)

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