Soho - Bistro and Coffee -

SzlovákiaSoho - Bistro and Coffee



🕗 Nyitva tartás

20, Dunajská, 811 02, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
érintkezés telefon: +421 948 611 449
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 48.1446527, Longitude: 17.1161199

hozzászólások 5

  • Daniel Hall

    Daniel Hall


    This is a great place. Restaurant is deliberately limited to a few, fresh, delicious options. I had beef with turmeric banana sauce (served separately so I could adjust the flavour). Coconut cheesecake afterwards was also fantastic. It was little more than 15 euros a head with good wine. Service was young and friendly, with excellent English.

  • en

    Catalin Ciobanu


    If you want to try something fresh, spicy or only different than the common(and overpriced) snitzel or meat with potatoes - this is the place. The coconut milk soup is delicious!

  • en

    Vanessa Maoloni


    The dishes are very unique. They only have a few choices as they change the menu very often but the food was very good and especially fresh. Very suggested for romantic dinners as the atmosphere is very romantic thanks to the design of the lightening of the restaurant... you'll have to try it to undestand :)

  • en

    Richard Matiaška


    Very limited vegetarian choices and also the second worst tofu I have eaten in my life so far. However, the waitress was super kind

  • maquara



    The place is very nice. Personal was very friendly. The meal was delicious. I really like this specific type of food. The whole restaurant has a good atmosphere and is very nice. The prices are a OK. I will definitely go there again. Parking there is nearly impossible we where walking there.

legközelebbi Kávézó

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