Spaghetti Leviathan i Bratislavský kraj

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SlovakietSpaghetti Leviathan



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18, Medená, 811 02, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 948 215 615
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.14236, Longitude: 17.1128751

kommentar 5

  • Diego Enrique Liendo Cordova

    Diego Enrique Liendo Cordova


    Great place for a quick and tasty meal .... Cheap. Clean and tasty ..... Recomended

  • Adela Vidličková

    Adela Vidličková


    Very nice food and good service but there is one thing that really annoys me - everytime I go there (it's usually at about 5PM), they are already cleaning the basement where there are tables and also TOILETS! And then they tell us we cannot go there because they are already cleaning it two hours before closing...

  • Vealerius



    Delicious spaghetti served almost instantly. Wide variety of choices.

  • Marek Tran

    Marek Tran


    Its a good pasta place but the food is just better than average. The price is what makes it different. The food is priced very well. This is a good place for people on a budget.

  • Klára Kőszeghyová

    Klára Kőszeghyová


    It is a really good pasta place. They cook very well and their prices are also very good, students can get a discount on the menu if they provide the staff with their ISIC. The staff is friendly, kind. The only downside is, that it is a small place. During lunch hours it is hard to find there a place to sit since it is really popular in the area.

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