UFO watch.taste.groove. -

SzlovákiaUFO watch.taste.groove.



🕗 Nyitva tartás

1, Most SNP, 851 01, Bratislava V, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
érintkezés telefon: +421 2/625 203 00
weboldal: www.redmonkeygroup.com
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 48.1366508, Longitude: 17.1053079

hozzászólások 5

  • en

    Marten Buijs


    Service is bad. Waited half an hour for our cocktails when the place was empty. The cocktails were nice tho

  • Natali Goginashvili

    Natali Goginashvili


    One of the best viewpoints in Bratislava! Good service, clean amd super cozy place, beautiful design. As for the meals, I had Belgian waffles that tasted like butter and must have been bought at grocery store. Not cool! Hope other meals are okay, but Do not waste 8€ on two tiny out-of-package waffles!

  • en

    Lucia Bestvinová


    The experience was very nice but It is a little bit overpriced. The view is amazing and food was fantastic. Wine and sparkling wine is crazy overpriced☝️ i would love to visit this place again but I think I won’t come again cos of the prices. I am pretty sure they would have more ppl if the prices were lower. The restaurant was almost empty on a Friday night which is a shame for such a place!

  • Viacheslav Kushnir

    Viacheslav Kushnir


    I love towers like that! Not super cheap for Bratislava, but gives you a unique photo opportunity and a nice chance to enjoy the views. Other than that, you don't often use a lift that is moving along an unusual diagonal trajectory, do you? The main thing is to make sure it's not foggy on the day.

  • Kate G

    Kate G


    i had a nice coffee here and sat and looked at the view. it was quite a grey day sadly but i still enjoyed the view. i think it is quite an entertaining place to visit and could have spent much longer here if we were hungry too. coffee was nice...service also good. would definitely recommend a visit here.

legközelebbi Étterem

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