Uisce Beatha v Bratislavský kraj

SlovenskoUisce Beatha



🕗 otváracia doba

341/1, Na vŕšku, 811 01, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Słowacja
kontakty telefón: +421 903 976 498
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Latitude: 48.1442348, Longitude: 17.104781

komentári 5

  • en

    Sara Bethell


    Fabulous bar. Great atmosphere and a very friendly welcome.

  • Ludovit Mosovsky

    Ludovit Mosovsky


    Dobrý výber whiskey. Skvelá obsluha. Príjemné prostredie. Pre ľudí nad 100 kg Pozor malé wc 😉.

  • Marianna Mojžišová

    Marianna Mojžišová


    Very picturesque place with it's special atmosphere. If you like irish pub which is not just marketing wonder fool of tourists and you don't mind really tiny cellars (well, when all irish emplyees in bratislava arrive😀) - that must be the place for you. Few beers and a lot of whiskey

  • Alex



    Had many great times in this bar! The owners are fantastic, make you feel right at home, and always warmly welcome you every time you arrive! A great selection of beers and plenty of sports watching options too! Do yourself a favour and head on down there. It'll become your local very soon!!

  • Peter Borsuk

    Peter Borsuk


    Very nice small bar in historical centre of Bratislava. From the street you can see the Bratislava castle. Basically it is whiskey bar (they offer mostly Irish whiskey) but you can have also fine beer there (always 4 on tap including Guinness and some craft beers). There is also big screen in the back room and small TV over the bar where you can watch your favorite sport game. In warmer month you can also sit outside on a summer terrace. There is probably the smallest restroom in the city 😀

najbližšia Bar

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