Umelka v Bratislavský kraj




🕗 otváracia doba

2, Dostojevského rad, 811 09, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakty telefón: +421 904 581 295
web stránka:
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Latitude: 48.1410728, Longitude: 17.1174001

komentári 5

  • en

    Ales Nohel


    Good service, normal quality

  • Tomas Zalubel

    Tomas Zalubel


    Great food. If you have time and the patience it is definitely worth the try. I wish the staff was little more friendly.

  • Milan Regec

    Milan Regec


    Used to be iconic place. Restaurant and pub at present are nothing to write home about but you can sit there with friends and not break a bank. Heavy rotation of staff prevents this place from building an atmosphere one desires to return to.

  • Daniela Zhang

    Daniela Zhang


    Gallery of contemporary art, exhibitions of artists, free entrance. There is a pub, restaurant and coffee (on the top, sometimes with exhibitions). Nice artsy place

  • Vanja Tomic

    Vanja Tomic


    Super incompetent staff in the beer pub... After asking if we can get ourselves another chair from the inside (3 of us wanted to sit down and there were only 2 chairs at the table outside) the waitress said she would bring some. After 5 min of waiting and 2 of us sharing 1 chair (😂😂) we took out 1 chair ourselves. Get this: then the waitress came out angry yelling why we did it, we cant take the chairs out, thats a table for 2, there are cameras inside and how would she explain this later? Explain to whom? The terrace was full, nobody inside. Explain this bad review to your manager and get yourself another job!

najbližšia Reštaurácie

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