Alza -




🕗 Nyitva tartás

3, Pajštúnska, 851 02, Bratislava V, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
érintkezés telefon: +421 2/571 018 00
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 48.1111335, Longitude: 17.1031634

hozzászólások 5

  • Blaster SVK

    Blaster SVK


    Fast delivery and lot of great products, also quick change broken for new goods if under 30€ I think, prices are good for service you get, "sales" works like in other stores, they just rise up price few weeks before sale time and then return to original price or even higher, and coupons are useless like pay 200€ and get 5€ off... But all together it's pretty good electronics shop in compare to other ones, they also offer some goods you may find in drugstores, toy stores, hobby stores and so on

  • Bálint Vlacsek

    Bálint Vlacsek


    It's quite fast service, dynamic and young team. Really good buying system. Good job! The place is small, it's not for having a shopping day with family, just the necessary services. Finding a parkplace is almost impossible.

  • en

    Martin Balaj


    Huge selection of products, but sales are not really sales usually as they rise the original price and then pretend that they have better prices during the sale, but not really.

  • en

    Zuz Anka


    Internet store is cool,but this pick-up place is usually crowdy, understaffed, small... Staff which works there is usually nice and helpful though and another good point is water dispenser which actually works so u can refresh yourself while waiting.. Piece of advice - prepare cash and pay for your goods straight on spot in paymachine rather than online, queuing is much faster than!!

  • en

    Daniel Uderman


    Had to cancel my order. Then find out tat delivery to presov store was unavailable. Then i was left without anything because canceled order coud not be picked up even after i got notification that order is redy at bratislava petrzalka store.

legközelebbi Elektronikai üzlet

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