Aphrodite Spa - Spa Rajecke Teplice v Žilinský kraj

SlovenskoAphrodite Spa - Spa Rajecke Teplice



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Centrum 1, 013 13 Rajecké Teplice, Slovakia
kontakty telefón: +421 41/549 42 56
web stránka: www.spa.sk
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Latitude: 49.129434, Longitude: 18.682171

komentári 5

  • Iveta Etienne

    Iveta Etienne


    After a night spent in this hotel I can safely say never again. No facilities to have a drink or sit down after 11 pm, so basically you are either left to look for other venues or go to bed with chickens. Bartender extremely rude, staff that don’t speak even native slovak language let alone English. Poor and very limited selection of top shelf labels in the bar, something that 4+* hotel should be ashamed of. Overpriced, overdone to impress some, but the lack of facilities and trained staff is ruining all. Food however was truly excellent and so were the spa facilities.

  • Joel Etienne

    Joel Etienne


    Overpriced and poor service. For example the residents bar closes at 2300hrs.The owner thinks all residents are children, having personally decided that kettles and hot drink making facilities in the rooms are way beyond his residents capability. He even keeps a permanent personal reservation in a bar with not enough seating for 20 people. There is no English speaking receptionist, and the owner has instituted a non smoking ban which whilst is within his rights, does discriminate against all the smoking patrons who now have to stand at the main entrance with an overflowing bin (albeit made of burgundy marble) to enjoy their evening cigar. So in short this is a top notch! 4+ star establishment without a designated smokers room with a 24hr bar. No all night tea or coffee making facility and no offer of room service after 10pm. If i were spending upwards of €250 per night I would expect more.

  • Jakub Mahrík

    Jakub Mahrík


    Great place, little bit more expensive. The only problem is parking during weekends if you are not staying in a hotel. We had to park 1km away, because all (paid and free) places were full.

  • Felipe Chulo

    Felipe Chulo


    Very nice designed place. Has a big variety of pools, cold, hot, for swimmers, for kids, jakuzi. All very clean and not too crowded. Food looked good, did not try it tho. Overall a very nice place but to pay 20€ for a 2 hour swim is a bit too expensive in my opinion.

  • Igor Pasko

    Igor Pasko


    It is a very nice spa hotel. It is a bit over the top with decorations for my taste but a lot of people like it as it is. The covert hallway the the pools was amazing and all the pools were great. The food was also good. A great hotel for a weekend getaway.

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