Aupark v Košický kraj




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1, Námestie osloboditeľov, 040 01, Košice I, Košický kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakty telefón: +421 55/321 34 11
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Latitude: 48.7176749, Longitude: 21.2629813

komentári 5




    Lots of shops and good food! Overall great experience and the building has beautiful architecture

  • Guide Traveler

    Guide Traveler


    Aupark Košice is a shopping center at the Oslo Liberation Square in Košice. It was opened in November 2011. On three floors there are 140 plants with a sales area of 34,000 m². There are 1,100 parking spaces in the underground. Part of the complex is the twelve-story Aupark Tower. The building of Aupark Košice revealed the foundations of the Kosice citadel, which was part of the Košice city fortification at the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries. The foundations of one of the five bastions of the Leopold citadel under the shopping center were dismantled; part of the original mason bastion is displayed on the square in front of Aupark and part of the underground garages at the site of the discovery.

  • Dominik Mecko

    Dominik Mecko


    Good shopping mall in the town centre. Great variety of shops with a mix of local and international brands. Parking is free for a very limited time.

  • en

    Giulia Bruno


    Honestly I find it the best shopping centre in Košice. There you find everything you need (book stores, food selection - fast food and restaurants, clothing shops, money exchange, hair saloon, jewelleries, a great gym and even an area for kids with toys, etc...). If you are bored or whatever you need just go there and you will find what you need! Definitely 5 stars!

  • Monika Kinlovicova

    Monika Kinlovicova


    The shopping mall has decent selection of shops and if everything else is so goo, I'd happily give them %*... But... what really bothers me are facilities that I usually take for granted when it comes to such shopping malls and here are few examples: 1. Not sufficient amount of bathrooms for such place as well as weird smell inside them. 2. The next thing I'd appreciate to have are some benches for seating in the corridors. This is pretty normal in majority of shopping malls, I have no clue why architect didn't think it was necessary to put them here... 3. And the last but not least. This shopping mall is mercilessly charging for parking regardless whether you're visiting the mall or not. While I understand that many people visiting the city were abusing parking facilities, I think it is not fair to charge also those that are your customers. Or at least few hours should be for free - for customers or above some amount spent in the mall or so... There are definitely better ways how to resolve lack of parking spots rather than apply the flat fee to everyone...

najbližšia Nákupné centrá

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