Autocentrum AAA AUTO v Košický kraj

SlovenskoAutocentrum AAA AUTO



🕗 otváracia doba

12, Napájadlá, 040 12, Košice IV, Košický kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakty telefón: +421 800 100 100
web stránka:
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Latitude: 48.6806452, Longitude: 21.2907529

komentári 5

  • sk

    Richard Dubnár


    Už tretí krát som bol pri kúpe auta mojich známych a nebol žiadny problém.

  • sk

    Zuzana Macinská


    Hodnotenia SADA na internete neboli veľmi dobré, no napriek tomu mali auto o ktoré som mala záujem. Čo sa týka samotného predajcu na predajni, bol milý, netlačil ma do kúpy iného auta, ale auto, ktoré mi pani cez infolinku sľubovala, že je k dispozícii, bolo dávno predané. Predajca sám naznačil, že v call centre to tak robia, lebo si myslia, že predajca vás prehovorí na kúpu iného auta...

  • sk

    bet spi


    Brat mal vyhladnutú škoda octaviu,boli sme dohoduty,že prideme.Pri bežnej kontrole auta bratov mechanik povedal,že nie je olej v motore......Dopo dovi....

  • en

    Tomas Tomcik



  • Bo Lancaster

    Bo Lancaster


    After purchasing a car personally at AAA Auto a year ago, and recommending to several other friends that they do the same (two of whom did recently) I find I must now state that I can no longer recommend this company for any reason. This past week, I went to the Kosice branch of AAA Auto in order to see how much I could trade my car in for. I was interested in purchasing another, larger vehicle and I saw one car on the lot that I was interested in, a Citroen C8. (One thing you'll notice with AAA Auto is that their website will say that a car is located in your local dealership when in fact it's all the way in Bratislava.) I had my car checked out and they offered me a certain amount for my car, which I knew was much lower than the actual value. I inquired about the C8 and then arranged to take it to the Citroen dealership to have it checked out. Everything at the dealership seemed fine, and the car was in good shape. Upon returning to the dealership I waited for about an hour and was finally presented with a 'deal' for both the trade-in of my car and the price of the C8. It was not a great deal, but since I am a foreigner and probably viewed as being rich I knew I probably wouldn't get a great deal anywhere. After agreeing upon a price I waited another hour until I was told that I would be unable to purchase the car due to a new law in Slovakia stating that foreigners are not allowed to own cars in their own names, and that I would have to get a Slovak friend to 'own' the car for me. In order to buy some time to decide what to do, I paid a 100 euro deposit on that particular car. I also left my technicky preukaz with them in order to preserve the price they were asking for my own car. I called the American embassy the to inquire about this strange law, and the woman I spoke with, a Slovak, said she had never heard of such a law. I was told the same thing by a friend in the local police force (the other thing she said was to avoid AAA Auto at all costs.) I returned the next day with my wife so she could see the car, and the car was nowhere to be found on the lot. I asked inside (after waiting about fifteen minutes, you'll do lot's of waiting and not being acknowledged at AAA Auto) about the car, and it came out that it had been sent to Nitra to another customer. I was not pleased with this, but the salesman assured me they were going to try to get the car back so I could buy it. He told me they would call me back that night, or at latest the next morning, about whether the car would come back. That call never came. So I returned, one final time, to get my technicky preukaz, and my 100 euro deposit. I decided also that it would only be fair that AAA Auto reimburse me for the 24 euros I spent at Citroen, seeing that I paid the deposit in good faith for that particular car and then it was gone the next day. The suggestion to repay me for the 24 euros was not received well by the manager, with whom I had to speak very strongly. He kept saying it was impossible, and that it was my problem. For this, and many other reasons, I will never set foot on a AAA Auto dealership again. I will never recommend that anyone every buy or try to sell a car there. If you are an expat living in Slovakia or Czech Republic, do yourself a favor and avoid this circus. tags: Slovakia, AAA Auto, Expat, Foreigners, used cars Slovakia

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