AVIS Autopožičovňa - City Hotel Bratislava -

SzlovákiaAVIS Autopožičovňa - City Hotel Bratislava



🕗 Nyitva tartás

1765/9, Seberíniho, 821 02, Bratislava II, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakiet
érintkezés telefon: +421 903 653 267
weboldal: www.avis.sk
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 48.1538071, Longitude: 17.1667605

hozzászólások 5

  • de

    Bernd Nägel


    Unfreundliche Personal. Nach dem wir das Auto abgegeben haben, wurde auf unserer Bitte hin ein Taxi zu rufen, gesagt, wir sollen ein Hotel suchen und dort nachfragen. Nächstes Mal nicht mit Avis

  • Martin Fábik

    Martin Fábik


    Rýchle vybavenie bez problémov. Výborný personál.

  • en

    hakan temizsoy


    I reserved a car from Avis "downtown" for two days using rentalcars. It is around 45 minutes from city center. Me and my wife arrived here to see it closed. How can I know that today is national holiday for Slovakia. I received no warning from Avis and this ruined our day. We tried to call their airport office and it was closed as well. We are now trying to reach our destination by train and it costs us half of the day. This is the most unprofessional thing that ever happened to me. I don't recomend using this company. Imagine what they will do when you actually rent or return a car.

  • Nirmel Cupina

    Nirmel Cupina


    We have made a reservation for 13 h than changed it for one hour earlier (on the web). Because they couldn't see the change in their system we have demanded for another car, which was available immediately, actually it was parked in a front of the office, but still they needed 50 minutes to prepare the papers and to give us a car. Also conversation that they have with us during this entire process wasn't very professional. At the end very rude and amateur staff.

  • Juraj Nemec

    Juraj Nemec


    Velmi korektne spravanie. Profesionalita. Auto v necakane dobrom stave. Cenovo su primerane ku kvalite sluzieb a aut. Tuto autopozicovnu odporucam a pokial sa nepokazia budem nadalej pouzivat jej sluzby. Very correct administration. Professionalism. The car in good condition. Priced accordingly to the quality of services and cars. I recommend this car rental. I will continue to use her services

legközelebbi Autókölcsönzés

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