Barbakan v Trnavský kraj



žiadne informácie

🕗 otváracia doba

11, Štefánikova, 917 01, Trnava, Trnavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakty telefón: +421 33/551 18 47
web stránka:
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Latitude: 48.3797473, Longitude: 17.5848043

komentári 5

  • en

    Radovan Masaryk


    Nice place, delicious food and service

  • Ivet Lukáčová

    Ivet Lukáčová


    The room we got was quite filthy. There were still some things left by the previous guests (like flip-flops in one of the drawers if a bottle lid left in the flowery decoration), the carpet was dirty (there were stains of white colour on it) and had had its best years long gone. The air-conditioning wasn't working which came out to be a huge problem as the temperature was higher than 30 Celsius. The last thing I'd like to mention is the absence of warm water at 1o'clock in the night. These are the things I consider flaws in a four-star hotel.

  • en

    Kiran Mane


    Located at down town and easy reachable

  • en

    Dossongui YEO


    Not the best hotel to stay but for 1, 2 nights it's OK. At the front office you will receive a warm welcome that will feel you awaited here... Thanks to Dasa B.! Unfortunately at the restaurant/breakfast the waitresses are not at all friendly nor smiling... it's just the reflect of what you will get as breakfast (really poor for me and missing of a decent orange juice!!). The overall service is under what is waiting for a supposed 3*** Conclusion: not the 1st choice in my Trnava' hotel list but not bad for a sleep and if you want to be inside the historic center. Nevertheless this hotel need a refurbishment and a real upgrade of the customer service .

  • Michael W

    Michael W


    Perfect located in centrum of Trnava. Very kind staff and very good restaurant. Rooms are clean and nice. Bathrooms are big and clean. Good value for the money. Will definitely stay here again.

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