BAROZA v Bratislava




🕗 otváracia doba

Sitnianska, 851 07, Bratislava, Bratislava V, SK Slovakia
kontakty telefón: +421 950 500 700
web stránka:
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Latitude: 48.0983644, Longitude: 17.1240593

komentári 5

  • Martina Uhrinova

    Martina Uhrinova


    Lovely food, reasonable interior design and friendly staff. Must visit. Kids can enjoy surprisingly large interior playgound.

  • Adrian Vavro

    Adrian Vavro


    Real fantastic, I am serious. Not in the nice part of city, on the other side-quiet atmosphere and masterpiece on your plate worth any minute and money.

  • en

    Jaroslav Vanek


    Excelent and flavourful dishes! A bit more on pricy side, which is understandable for the quality and care (knowledgeable and attentive service) you get. Keep it up team BAROZA! Cheers.

  • Juraj Krasnohorsky

    Juraj Krasnohorsky


    I have always eyes open for a good restaurant and I had really high hopes for this one, after I read an article by a talented Slovak chef who used to work for Copenhagen's famous Noma restaurant. He recommended this place as his favourite in Bratislava. Well, I was simply disappointed on all levels, the place, the setting, the service, the food. The surrounding is particularly ugly, as anyone going there will instantly see. The parking in front of the restaurant looked like a meet up of fancy luxurious limousines and sport cars, which tells a lot about the clientele of this restaurant. Indeed the clientele was characterized by expensive sunglasses, big watches and golden chains, if you see what I mean. The waiter had clearly a rough night the evening before, still smelled of alcohol and the sound level of music felt like the party was still going on. He did not lower the sound even after we kindly asked him to, so we just had to shout to hear what we were saying at the table. That's not the kind of Saturday lunch I imagine as pleasant. The food was presented like in a very fancy place, which is a complete mismatch with the actual setting of this restaurant. But the worst is that the taste was not special. It pretended to be more than it actually was, kind of fake. It was just like the cars on the parking (which we were overlooking the whole time, because that's the view you get in this restaurant), overly fancy and showing off. If you look for good food and something genuine, cozy, tasteful, with nice atmosphere and food that actually tastes good, this is really not the place to go. It's a fake. Sorry to say so, I really had high hopes.

  • en

    Michal Padych


    One of our favourite restaurants in Bratislava. Fantastic meals, good kids menu (our son loves it), great service, easy parking. Simply put, go there.

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