Bean Spot Specialty Coffee Shop i Bratislavský kraj

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SlovakietBean Spot Specialty Coffee Shop



🕗 åbningstider

10, Krížna, 811 07, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 949 636 350
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.1528195, Longitude: 17.1214698

kommentar 5

  • Matej Hargas

    Matej Hargas


    An unassuming, low key place with great coffee. Nothing more, really, but nothing less either. A place to go if you like great coffee and want to enjoy it in peace, without the distractions of hipster design. The friendly owner knows his coffee and is working to bring specialty beans at a more affordable price point.

  • marek gabonay

    marek gabonay


    Very good coffee, nice space. We'll be back!

  • Martin Paseka

    Martin Paseka


    I am straying away from the coffee atm but they have great selection of teas, friendly service and clean, neutral decor. Highly recommended

  • Christian Blass

    Christian Blass


    Very nice coffeplace. Wanted to buy some beans and the owner took His time and explained everything to me. Which beans He uses and how he roasts. He eben gave me some Free stuff to try. Will definatly Return when I will visit Bratislava agai... Ah, the coffee tastes great to 😉

  • makeitbetter sk

    makeitbetter sk


    Perfect espresso and filter coffee. A lot of alternative brewing methots and barista is a roaster too. Visit is more than coffee, its great experience :)

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