Beniczky cafe & wine bar i Banskobystrický kraj

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SlovakietBeniczky cafe & wine bar



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16, Námestie SNP, 974 01, Banská Bystrica, Banskobystrický kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 910 988 926
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 48.7351988, Longitude: 19.1442927

kommentar 5

  • Magdaléna Eliašová

    Magdaléna Eliašová


    Vynikajúca úroveň obsluhy, kávy, sedenia, prostredia, lokality. Zvonku vyzerá táto vináreň maličká, ale vovnútri má vytvorené rôzne zákutia s príjemným jemne súkromným posedením. Káva bola výborná, silnejšia ako inde. Toalety pekné, čisté, bez zápachu.

  • Michal Rybar

    Michal Rybar


    This place is simply amazing - for me it was love on first sight. They have very good coffee, selection of cakes and very good drinks. The service is prompt and always helpful. Inside, the atmosphere is very quiet and inclusive. I love reading books or newspapers there. If you are in Banská Bystrica and looking for a coffee house, I definitely recommend coming here. I came here because a friend recommended it to me and never regretted it. And whenever I am back in Banská Bystrica, I come back here for a cup of coffee...

  • Mayer Alvarado

    Mayer Alvarado


    Excellent place, staff is great. I ordered a chocolate and carrot cake and they were delicious. My favorite cafe so far in this city.

  • Colm Hughes

    Colm Hughes


    Great wine bar, beautiful building and decor with friendly staff.

  • Pavel Laska

    Pavel Laska


    Nice place

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