BNC Hotel v Bratislavský kraj

SlovenskoBNC Hotel



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1, Turbínová, 831 04, Bratislava III, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakty telefón: +421 2/491 151 11
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Latitude: 48.1725848, Longitude: 17.1568674

komentári 5

  • Viktor



    Nice bowling place with a few restaurants and a bar.

  • en

    Maciej Polakowski


    The only problem I found of BNC hotel was localisation, in the middle of industrial zone. It compensate with prices that are really good and service like in a normal hotel + extra there is bowling here if Bratislava would bore you. If you don't want to move you car after arrival there is a bus going to center not far from hotel and Kaufland market so you won't die. Rooms are quite big, nicely furnished and cleaned every day. Staff is friendly and speak English well. Also breakfast are quite good (maybe apart from so-so bread but waffles are good)

  • Marek Korsak

    Marek Korsak


    Not good hotel. Dirty rooms and internet does not work. Breakfast is not good also. The only good thing is the burger in restaurant.

  • Branislav Stepanek

    Branislav Stepanek


    Really good restaurant, considering this is primarily a bowling place. Need to wait a little longer when crowded, so order in advance.

  • en

    Lucas Chlosta


    Pretty standard hotel situated quite far from city center. There is also a very nice bowling center, which unfortunately is often full. Rooms are ok, quite big and clean. Breakfast on the other side are very minimalist. While overall food quality is ok, the service is sub par at best as you feel complete neglected by the restaurant staff. Food selection is ok, but beer and drink selection is quite limited. Internet range and speed can be an issue is you need it for work. Good for short business trips, not long stays.

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