Boutique Hotel Bristol**** i Košický kraj

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SlovakietBoutique Hotel Bristol****



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3, Orlia, 040 01, Košice I, Košický kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 55/729 00 77
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.7205288, Longitude: 21.2599915

kommentar 5

  • en

    Kamil Zeleny


    Cozy hotel, close to main square/city center with delicious food and nice view (in case you will have room orientated to main square). Nice staff, great food and awesome wellness. Really stylish breakfast with family/home atmosphere.

  • Stephan Werlen

    Stephan Werlen


    Great location downtown, price included private secured parking and welcome drink. The room offered to us was lovely but air conditioning did not work. We were immediately re booked to another room. A cosy spa was located in the lower level with a Swedish sauna, steam room and warm and cold pool. I enjoyed the balcony overlooking the spectacular church roof close by. The included breakfast was complete with a full breakfast with healthy choice Excellent choice for Kosice, Slovakia.

  • Lone Stern

    Lone Stern


    A lovely surprise to find such a cozy place in Kosice. Well situated in the older part of town, very clean, user-friendly and we will certainly consider a stay here again.

  • en



    Very good hotel located downtown of Kosice, close to Cathedral. Walking distance to the pubs and restaurants. Cosy and relax atmosphere. Very clean room. Eveything was functional. Very kind staff. Parking place available for customers. I do recommend this place.

  • Zafer Ağırtmış

    Zafer Ağırtmış


    Very nice place. Kind staff. Located in the heart of city. Free parking. Good breakfast.

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