Danubius Health Spa Resort Esplanade -

SzlovákiaDanubius Health Spa Resort Esplanade


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30, Kúpeľný ostrov, 921 01, Piešťany, Piešťany, SK Slovakia
érintkezés telefon: +421 33/775 51 11
weboldal: www.danubiushotels.com
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 48.5910125, Longitude: 17.847532

hozzászólások 5

  • khaterah Bristol

    khaterah Bristol


    I found the hotel nicely located and has many nice features, and found staff @ Gallery Restaurant with smiling faces and very polite and helpful. However, the staff @ the reception were not cooperative in providing any information about the medical and spa facilities. Also, I asked my reservation agent to request early check-in and the response came "based on availability" which is fine to me. When I arrived, which was little before 10:00 am due to airline travel timing, the reception lady completed the check-in process in a timely manner and said room key will be given after 2:00 pm. I explained to her the situation and that I and my wife did not sleep the night before because of airline travel timing and asked her if possible get the room earlier. She replied it my not be possible. I asked her politely to try. At 1:00 pm I went to the reception and politely asked weather I can get the room earlier and the lady @ reception was rude she told me after 2:00 pm without at least explaining the reason. This should not be the way to treat customers and it would be more appropriate to explain why.

  • Ruqayah Abdulla

    Ruqayah Abdulla


    it is clean and accurate appointment for treatment classes

  • Maryam Fahd

    Maryam Fahd


    Great Spa Vacation Stayed at the Esplanade Hotel for a week with a package of 12 treatments per week. It was a wonderful relaxation and rejuvenation opportunity. Located in Slovakia's biggest spa town Piestany, the hotel is connected to the Danubius Health Spa Balnea by a corridor so you can walk over in your bathrobe to get to the treatments The spa has curative thermal water and sulphuric mud as well as parrafin, parafango, several hydrotreatments, different pools, jaccuzzis, steamrooms and treatment rooms as well as a gym. The hotel has several restaurants. The accommodation package includes meals at one of them (they assign which). The food is average as is the service especially with the language barrier. However, the treatment and the package are well worth it!More Date of stay: December 2015

  • Salem Buabbas

    Salem Buabbas


    Doctor does not know English and she ask me to chose treatment. I tell her you are the doctor you should decide which treatment is suitable for back pain

  • Lati Fa

    Lati Fa


    Hotel: customer service and relations is really bad. The spa is good.

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