Dobrá Klíma i Bratislavský kraj

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SlovakietDobrá Klíma



🕗 åbningstider

1755/17, Kutlíkova, 851 02, Bratislava V, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 917 911 845
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.1113355, Longitude: 17.1108091

kommentar 5

  • Milan Padych

    Milan Padych


    So I get there to buy some of those cleaning accessories, one employee was dealing with a customer and I was asked to wait for other employee of this shop to help out. After like 15 minutes this other guy has showed up disappointed that I'm actually there waiting for him because why I'm there while they have this web site right? So I have asked him look I need help I need to know what is a difference between these two products and he went " well basically they both the same difference is in the colour of the package " . I looked at him come on dude just try a little and he asked "ok which one I should bill you for and how you going to pay?" He was lucky cos I needed that thing right away otherwise I would told him " you know what suck it mate you only have a job because of this global bloody warming and it's become hot in this country as hell because low level humans like you have destroyed nature environment" ... Yeah and then he would call me an hippie liberal douche and I punch him..... So not even one star typical slovak customer service from postal office 10 years ago.

  • Lukas Chrapek

    Lukas Chrapek


    Za nás veľká spokojnosť, výber klimy, obhliadka, objednanie aj inštalácia bez problémov. Nie je potreba ani návšteva predajne, všetko po maily sa da vybavit. Technico čo instalovali klímu, boli milí, všetko si po sebe poupratovali, vysvetlili, zavtipkovali :)

  • Lýdie Králiková

    Lýdie Králiková


    s touto firmou som mega spokojná. vždy všetko spravili načas a poriadne. bez akejkoľvek chybičky. môžem ich len odporúčať.

  • sk

    Dušan Kanis


    Dal som si namontovať klímu v predstihu, páčila sa mi komunikácia s predajcom a všetko zbehlo k spokojnosti. ...Už, aby prišlo leto :D

  • sk

    Peter Repčík


    Fajn eshop s klimami a inym tovarom, uz par krat som od vas kupoval a nesklamali ste :)

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