Downtown Backpacker's Hostel -

SzlovákiaDowntown Backpacker's Hostel


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680/31, Panenská, 811 03, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
érintkezés telefon: +421 902 072 942
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 48.1481846, Longitude: 17.1061486

hozzászólások 5

  • Милош Граонић

    Милош Граонић


    Chill and friendly staff, good prices.

  • Parichay Mehta

    Parichay Mehta


    Hostel Downtown Backpacker’s is located in Bratislava’s one of the busiest areas. It’s truly a great hostel for backpackers & budget travelers. Location I personally liked the location of Hostel Downtown Backpacker’s because it is not very far from the main square. The old city, historical parts & sights are within walking distance & can easily be covered. It’s approximately 1.5 km away from the main train station & there is a direct bus going from the station to the hostel’s location. Staff Hostel Downtown Backpacker’s staff is really friendly. They showed me a lot of sight & how to reach them via map. Also, they are ready to go to any length to make your stay comfortable. Don’t forget to take their recommendations if you want to explore Bratislava like a local. Sleep Quality The beds are comfortable, rooms are spacious & every bed has its own locker. Blankets, bedsheets, pillow & pillow covers are provided. You just have to put them on. They do not charge anything extra for these things. I personally liked the bed because its HUGE. You will sleep peacefully here because the rooms & passages are generally quiet. People do not make much noise (in hostel & in Bratislava overall). Kitchen Facility The kitchen of Hostel Downtown Backpacker’s is small. The usability of it is really high though. There are mostly all kinds of utensils, electric kettles, oven & fridge. When I stayed, some guests did not clean the utensils properly hence some were really dirty. That’s not really the hostel’s fault though. Alternatively, if you do not want to cook, they have a nice restaurant on the ground floor where you can eat breakfast, lunch and/or dinner at really cheap prices. They also have a bar which stays open till late night. There are some welcome shots for guests as well. Other Amenities There are many complimentary services that you can avail at Hostel Downtown Backpacker’s. Wi-Fi, parking, tea-coffee, city maps, luggage room are just some of them. They also offer guided tours, bike rentals & international calling at nominal rates. Overall If you are looking for a hostel near the central area, close to the train station, bus station & all sightseeings (and in budget), Hostel Downtown Backpacker’s is the best choice.

  • Venice Wyatt

    Venice Wyatt


    I could live here. nice atmosphere, beautiful big old building, relaxed but helpful staff. if you go at off-season I had a 8 bed room to myself.. perfect :) no breakfast, but kitchen that feels like home

  • en

    Nicolas Ribeiro Vieira


    It is a good hostel. The rooms and lockers are really nice, the hostel itself is really colourful and the staff could provide prompt responses to all my questions/concerns. There is a quite nice bar in the first floor and the common room/kitcher are also okay. The only downside is due to the cleaning of the toilets, which were poor.

  • Gabriel Závodský

    Gabriel Závodský


    Depending on expectations. I think it is quite good for the price Facility has 4 rooms with multiple beds, 2 showers and toilet. Down is nice cosy bar. Each room is named by painter and there is painting on the wall.

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