Gentleman's World -

SzlovákiaGentleman's World



🕗 Nyitva tartás

96-98, Hlavná, 040 01, Košice I, Košický kraj, SK Slovakia
érintkezés telefon: +421 944 479 237
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 48.7246026, Longitude: 21.2551063

hozzászólások 5

  • en

    Zoltán Popély


    Top barber v KE

  • en

    Rastislav Porvazník


    I would describe gentemen by one word only - perfect

  • Mario



    Good haircut, bad experience due to misleading pricelist When I made the booking for the haircut they ask you to select the type of services you want from the pricelist. I chose the haircut with clippers/ strih strojcek which is 9€ thinking that it would be probably a quick fix with the clippers or something like that (didn't need anything else). I went to the place on time, and when the hairdresser asks me what do I want, I say strih strojcek. He just smiles and starts to cut with the clippers. After some time I start to notice that he is taking longer than I expected and cut way too much. 50 minutes later I end up with (I have to say) great haircut but the unpleasant surprise of having to pay 19€ for the haircut (10 more than expected). Talking to another costumer and the hairdresser (to whom I was complaining), I found out that this "mistake" occurs quite often. I told him that the webpage and pricelist are misleading and should be changed, and that if I ordered the clippers haircut, they have no right to decide for me something else and charge me for it. Don't get me wrong, it was a great haircut and the guy seemed really professional, but I won't there again after this experience.

  • en



    Perfect satisfaction, pro-customer reach and absolute know-how of shaving and cutting hair&beard + care. You can also buy balsams and lotions here.

  • en

    Viktor Strausz


    The price is way too high compared to other services around the town, however the quality is superb.

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