Hájovňa u HOFFERA v Nitriansky kraj

SlovenskoHájovňa u HOFFERA



🕗 otváracia doba

8, Špitálska, 949 01, Nitra, Nitriansky kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakty telefón: +421 914 272 555
web stránka: www.penzion-hoffer.sk
zobrazit mapy a najít trasy
Latitude: 48.3009895, Longitude: 18.0894684

komentári 5

  • Martin Haba

    Martin Haba


    Nice venue, attentive staff and massive selection of meal and menus. Food is yummy, nice big portions. Will come back for sure to try more!

  • en

    Jaro Jurci


    Delicious meals, quick and polite staff. Highly recomemded!

  • en

    martin stloukal


    Great place, good prices, delicious food 5/5

  • Dave Harper

    Dave Harper


    Good place. Good food and service. Entrance little bit problematic for families with strolers but is managable.

  • Idriss Juhoor

    Idriss Juhoor


    We wanted to try this place as it is on a route we take often and there are cool animals outside in a mini zoo. However as we arrived we could see that the place is huge and clearly understaffed. We arrived as a group of 8 people with Chinese and French tourists and we were seated by 2 separate tables. As the staff was quite busy, we put two tables together by ourselves. Then, the staff manager (Saturday, 22nd of July) came and started to shout and telling us of for putting tables together by ourselves. We had a small argument and my girlfriend was trying to explain that we were trying to help and save time as we were waiting quite a long time for someone to help us. When asked for advice of food, we were recommended to 'read the menu'. The food was 'OK' but there are better options around. Later, the staff manager calmed down and was in a better mood. It is understandable that the staff was angry with guests putting tables together but first of all I don't understand why we were even (h)offered* to be seated by two separate tables. And also, in my opinion the attitude and reaction of the staff manager was inappropriate. *Sorry for the pun, I couldn't resist!

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