Hotel Astra v Bratislavský kraj

SlovenskoHotel Astra


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14, Prievozská, 821 09, Bratislava II, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakty telefón: +421 2/582 381 11
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Latitude: 48.1475265, Longitude: 17.1447385

komentári 5

  • Guide Traveler

    Guide Traveler


    This is a 3 Stars Hotel so don't expect too much from here, not bad for only you sleeping ,it is good if you are coming for some business on hurry, and will be better if they keep the price cheap

  • Sövényházi Loránd

    Sövényházi Loránd


    Cheap, big rooms, friendly staff

  • Som len proste Lea

    Som len proste Lea


    A beautiful place, it's not so expensive for the capital city, what is a big plus. Near the hotel is also a chinese restaurant. The main hall of Astra is big. From a parking spot you always have to go around the whole hotel, so i you have many of bags it's difficult especiallg when you are alone. One back door for bringing package would be an awesome thing. The other thing was, that you had to pay for that parking even if you are the hotel guest. It wasn t monitored and the only benefit was that you know where to put your car. On the other hand, rooms were comfortable and big, in the flat were 2 rooms, a small kitchen with a fringe, a toilet separated from bathroom, in bathroom was a big bath, the lighting was acurate for make up. Everything is clean. If I go to the capital city one more time, hotel Astra would be my next choice.

  • Siegfried Pretsch

    Siegfried Pretsch


    Clean and functional and affordable accommodation

  • Derek Hogan

    Derek Hogan


    I arrived for breakfast at 10am on the last morning of my week long stay, the staff would rather through the left over breakfast in the bin than allow you a late breakfast. Having had no breakfast and at 20mins past 10am the hotel sent a security guard to my room to make me hurry up and depart the hotel, aggressively. Yes I was late, hotel was half empty, and to be treated like that was most unwanted. During my stay, which the hotel did not mention nor apologise for, the top floor of the building was being renovated, the noise was completely unacceptable.

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