HOTEL BRATISLAVA **** v Bratislavský kraj



žiadne informácie

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1765/9, Seberíniho, 821 03, Bratislava II, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakty telefón: +421 2/206 061 00
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Latitude: 48.1540244, Longitude: 17.1665713

komentári 5

  • Márton Fehér

    Márton Fehér


    Nice and clean rooms and helpful staff. The check-in was quick. The food in the restaurant is delicious and enough.

  • David Blaha-Nelson

    David Blaha-Nelson


    Very friendly staff. At 18:00 on a Saturday, we realized we needed a bouquet of flowers for that evening's society dinner. The front desk called a florist who opened his shop and the bouquet was delivered. We weren't even gouged for price by florist or front desk, which I wouldn't have even been mad about, considering the circumstances (they got a healthy tip, instead!). We couldn't figure out how to work the A/C in the rooms, but we didn't ask, so I'm sure they'd have helped us. Weak point: curved-bottom shower/bath with high wall and a long drop to the bathroom floor. No floor mat, no handholds. Dangerous to all and especially drunk/tired/old people. Shower head was ill-positioned and bathtub drain very clogged.

  • Isidora Pavković

    Isidora Pavković


    Amazing hotel. Rooms are beautiful, and employees are really friendly.

  • Τάσος Χιδερίδης Μανδαρής

    Τάσος Χιδερίδης Μανδαρής


    Very good and clean hotel. Close to bus and tram stop. WiFi Internet could be better. Only thing I didn't like is the carpet in every room.

  • en

    Георги Васев


    In a calm region, tipical comunist building, quiet, very clear, even the linen smell vell. The pillows and matrasses are new and comfortable. Battroom is very small but clean. The walls are enougth thick not allow to listen others. If you do not want to pay for car parking you can use parking between blocks of flat. Modest but taste breakfast.

najbližšia Ubytovanie

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