Hotel Dominika *** v Bratislavský kraj

SlovenskoHotel Dominika ***


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3, Vlastenecké námestie, 851 01, Bratislava V, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakty telefón: +421 904 744 020
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Latitude: 48.1240012, Longitude: 17.1107052

komentári 5

  • Miro S.

    Miro S.


    Noisy rooms (paper thin walls, busy street with lot of traffic), clean, good size shower, slow staff including restaurant, overpriced breakfast, ok food

  • Peter Milo

    Peter Milo


    A cheap place within a old part of a communist block apartment houses location. Its close to everywhere and if you like cheaper places you will be sattisfied

  • en

    H H


    Good horel

  • Philip Newton

    Philip Newton


    Conveniently located close to tram stop Jungmannova which goes to main station and rig next to bus top Jungmannova where bus 88 goes to Most SNP, bus station, and Economic University. Reception is one floor up from the ground floor; there's a lift hidden away a bit if you don't immediately go through the door to the stairwell but instead turn right in front of the bar. Air conditioning in the room requires a remote control which is kept at reception and apparently only handed out on request. Two-bed room has one chair and one stool. Good amount of storage space. Room 205 looks out towards the back (small supermarket) and so is quieter than the rooms facing the main road, but the wifi was spotty in that corridor, sometimes going down entirely without warning - the nearest access point seems to be in the parallel corridor with the road-view rooms so the signal in those is probably better. When I mentioned the bad wifi in my room to an older employee , he said they had no in-house technician and I should just come down to the reception to use the wifi; a younger employee a couple of days later said if the wifi is bad the access point probably just needs to be resetted and immediately got out a ladder. So it depends on whom you talk with whether they can help you. The young man was surprised that there was no access point in my corridor, so perhaps that will change in the future now that he/they are aware of it. Trash can was not emptied every day. Breakfast selection was a bit small for my taste, plus I'm not really used to Slovak "rožky" which seem too narrow to put butter and jam on easily, so I usually had egg and sausage. The juice dispensing machine dispenses something but it sure ain't orange juice (looks like apple juice, tastes weird), while the multivitamin juice is mostly water - best to stick to actual water. All in all an OK place to stay though.

  • Michael Yonan

    Michael Yonan


    I had a really good experience here on a recent business trip to Bratislava-Petržalka. This is a typical European-style business hotel, offering simple rooms with basic facilities, although there is free WIFI. The staff was extremely helpful and pleasant. Right next to the hotel is a grocery store, a drugstore, a bank, a post office, and a couple of pizza places. The hotel restaurant has delicious food, much better than I expected, for amazingly low prices. And the number 88 bus stops at Jungmannova right outside the hotel's front door. It will get you to Novy' Most in about 15 minutes. Across the street is a long waterway populated by ducks and swans and used by the locals for late-afternoon strolls. It's pretty much perfect for any business you might have to do in Petržalka.

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