Hotel Eurobus -

SzlovákiaHotel Eurobus



🕗 Nyitva tartás

Hétfőnyitott 24 óra
Keddnyitott 24 óra
Szerdanyitott 24 óra
Csütörtöknyitott 24 óra
Pénteknyitott 24 óra
Szombatnyitott 24 óra
Vasárnapnyitott 24 óra
Kaluža, 07236, 072 36 Kaluža, Slovakia
érintkezés telefon: +421 908 783 632
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 48.7956096, Longitude: 22.0060981

hozzászólások 5

  • Marek Trecák

    Marek Trecák



  • Maciek Pachacz

    Maciek Pachacz


    Great potential but wasted... from outside very nice, grass is perfect BUT old rooms, carpet need to be removed, . Breakfast very poor. Restaurant service very young, they need menager. Beautiful scenery. Beautiful place. But need a lot of work.

  • Dominik Krišš

    Dominik Krišš


    Three stars is exactly what they deserve. From photos hotel may looks luxurious but reality is different. They claim that there was reconstruction few months ago, but only in some places I would say. We had terrible bathroom in our room with scary sounding light inside. Some of us had mold in bathroom!!! Door was like piece of paper. Restaurant is one of the reconstructed places and it looks nice and clean. Breakfast was good but I heard some complains from guests which came later that there was not enaugh food for them. Lunch time is for me best part of the day I was looking forward to it. But it was disappointment for me. Soup was great, but chicken steak was "tenderized" with hammer so much that meat was thin and dry. I can't understand why smashing is needed for chicken, it has no sense. Waitress were kind and nice, but they were interns and it was really noticible, there should be at least one head waiter who knows how to the job, to lead interns because leaving inexperienced young girls on their own is not right way. Nevertheless they were kind, but kindness is not enough.

  • Kristian Bangsø

    Kristian Bangsø


    I did not sleep at the hotel, but i visited the for the concert and it was amazing.

  • Alexander Schill

    Alexander Schill


    Good location. Mixed service quality.

legközelebbi Szállás

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