Hotel GOLFER -

SzlovákiaHotel GOLFER



🕗 Nyitva tartás

910/50, Jula Horvátha, 967 01, Žiar nad Hronom, Banskobystrický kraj, SK Slovakia
érintkezés telefon: +421 45/674 37 67
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 48.693554, Longitude: 18.912126

hozzászólások 5

  • Dominika Frátriková

    Dominika Frátriková


    We visited this hotel during the wedding of our family. The whole stay was very nice. The staff was professional and kind. We enjoyed all the meals and the whole reception was beautiful. It took place in the hotel's garden. Everything was well prepared and very nice.

  • Ygiah Dasa

    Ygiah Dasa


    I did not expect there is a place such this - in the heart of Slovakia, in beatiful nature and near the nice old city of Kremnica.. We were surprised by very nice, calm staff, who were trying all the time do their best for the only one who is important - us -> their guests.. delicious food, nice staff and all the details like golf balls or other golf stuff or place for your smartphone in the bathroom made us feel so comfortable and “homy” :) appreciate so much all the activities like themes weekneds (for ladies only 💄) or other special offers..

  • Martin Jaros

    Martin Jaros


    What a disaster! Nice hotel, food ok, but the management, oh the management... Never before did I feel this unwelcome. A party of friends with little kids tried to have a nice weekend but instead it ended up in management yelling at guests over a stupid misunderstanding. Chef yelling at a 40 kilo girl "Have you any idea who I am?" The owner asking 300 Euro surcharge for staying in an unused common room late into the night. "Not possible" a default setting. Zero customer orientation. Avoid like a plague.

  • Sven R

    Sven R


    Very nice and clean rooms, nice pool, only lack of a bit of wider breakfast choices. Hotel is dog friendly so you can bring your pet with you.

  • Juraj Slesar

    Juraj Slesar


    We attended the hotel restaurant in a large group of colleagues and were amazed by this gem that was unexpected in this area. We were welcomed by a French chef with charming personality who introduced us a short but sufficient menu. I went for snails on red wine (perfect), duck breasts (amazing) and chocolate cake (gorgeous). It took a while longer but it was understandable and we didn't mind. The food was definitely worth it! If you are around you should definitely give it a try. You won't find a better place to eat in a very large radius.

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