Hotel Hradná Brána v Bratislavský kraj

SlovenskoHotel Hradná Brána


žiadne informácie

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15, Slovanské nábrežie, 841 10, Bratislava IV, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakty telefón: +421 2/601 025 11
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Latitude: 48.1750808, Longitude: 16.9792012

komentári 5

  • en

    ton chu


    cost 5 euro to go to the toilet

  • Michal Ondruš

    Michal Ondruš


    Very nice and helpful personnel, nice hotel and location as well

  • en

    Martin K


    Veeery bad restaurant. We had Quite negative experience with having duck for lunch. The meat was old, tough and definitely not very fresh. I will not return to this restaurant.

  • Thomas Soininen

    Thomas Soininen


    We stopped for a quick lunch at the hotel terrace and were served excellent soup followed by tasty dumplings and meat filled potato pancake. The service was good, prices more than reasonable.

  • en

    Brad Ison


    We wound up here by chance - a short stop on the way to Prague because Vienna was so expensive. The town of Devin was lovely and the castle ruins atop the hill were awesome! However, the hotel was beyond expectations. Martin is the new general manager (as of September 2015) and they've got a lot of kinks to work out of the system but during the week the price is only $75 a night for a large room with a great bath and a breathtaking view. There's only 12 rooms and they do weddings on the weekends so you may have trouble getting a room then. Food was great too! Chef Darius doesn't speak English quite as well as Martin but his cooking does the talking for him. The menu for dinner will sometimes bit a bit limited but our group tried everything available and none of it was less than delicious. Really, this was an unexpected highlight of our trip.

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