Hotel International v Veľká Lomnica

SlovenskoHotel International



🕗 otváracia doba

Pondelokotvorené 24 hodín
Utorokotvorené 24 hodín
Stredaotvorené 24 hodín
Štvrtokotvorené 24 hodín
Piatokotvorené 24 hodín
Sobotaotvorené 24 hodín
Nedel'aotvorené 24 hodín
Tatranská, 059 52, Veľká Lomnica, Kežmarok, SK Slovakia
kontakty telefón: +421 52/466 11 11
web stránka:
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Latitude: 49.1372174, Longitude: 20.3391504

komentári 5

  • en

    Emilia Eliasova


    Amazing location, friendly and helpful staff, fantastic food

  • en

    Dragomir Alina


    So the hotel is 4 stars , but if it was by the services I’d not give it more than 3. First of all the breakfast must be improved, very very poor breakfast, the food in the restaurant was Ok , but nothing special ( quite expensive also) for the quality ( and I mean I ordered a Tagliatelle with pesto and veggies but the pasta only came with oil and veggies, and I asked what happened with the pesto , the nice guy said I was right and they’re gonna cook for me another portion, instead they just threw some pesto in the same pasta, changed the plate and brought it to me ) . Anyway, The wellness was good , was pleasant. And the view was great . But nothing more than that . Just overpriced place ...

  • en

    Igor Špoták


    Cosy place, nice staff, solid kitchen and rooms with a splendid view of High Tatras

  • Milan Blazek

    Milan Blazek


    We stay here just 1 night during our golf trip. Hotel was fully booked so we got upgraded to apartment free of charge, very nice. Thanks for that. However, service in this restaurant is bit poor. I say very slow. Food was ok , nothing crazy just OK from 4 star hotel would expect higher level of service. Yes very nice view on Tatras panorama. We did not go to wellness since in this one you have to go with swimwear on because kids are around, so kids never seen naked body? Some wellness with some without, what is the real practice? Might come back some day, but not soon.

  • Jana Kolesarova

    Jana Kolesarova


    Nice hotel with amazing views but terrible service. We stayed only one night but I would never come back. We didnt have a hot water in the room in the evening and when we went to tell them they told us they already know about it. "Too lazy to let guests know?", So that i wouldnt end up standing in the shower an waiting for the hot water to come. (No compensation or apology). Also no room service and bar close at 11pm in the 4star hotel!!! We were simply advised that "in Slovakia it is like that!" Good hotel with nice wellness but very rude and ignorant staff.....but apparently "In Slovakia it is like that!" International prices with Slovakian service

najbližšia Kúpele

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