Hotel Liptovský Dvor i Žilinský kraj

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SlovakietHotel Liptovský Dvor



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Jánska dolina 438, 032 02 Liptovský Ján, Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 918 683 123
internet side:
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Latitude: 49.030544, Longitude: 19.6737871

kommentar 5

  • Tatiana Sorokvasha

    Tatiana Sorokvasha


    This hotel is really special place. We never experienced such a good service. Attention to detail, tasty food, we loved everything about it. Our house had a new year tree decorated with hand made toys. Spa was very often empty - so all was just for us. People on reception are super friendly. We enjoyed every minute there.

  • Katarína Vydrová

    Katarína Vydrová


    Today we leave this magical place, but we would stay at least 2 weeks more! I would like to thank the staff of the Liptovsky dvor. When the baby decided to sabotage the Christmas dinner in the restaurant, the waiter took us gradually six-course menu in the heat and the chill of the cottage without repentance and smile. The next morning the manager came to make sure that everything was ok and we also received a one-night gift for the family for free. Simply service excellence! We thank you

  • Richard Istel

    Richard Istel


    Food very good waiter is not up to Standart of this level.

  • Viktor Hoffmann

    Viktor Hoffmann


    its little expensive for poor turist like me 🤗, but its beautifull space for good service and high level kitchen ..🤗

  • Erik



    €6.40 for a green tea and coffee!!! We've arrived 9:30 on a week day sat down for a tea and coffee but waited 10min to be served. We were the only people inside.

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