Hotel Národný Dom v Banskobystrický kraj

SlovenskoHotel Národný Dom


žiadne informácie

🕗 otváracia doba

790/11, Národná, 974 01, Banská Bystrica, Banskobystrický kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakty telefón: +421 48/412 37 37
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Latitude: 48.7333534, Longitude: 19.1461387

komentári 5

  • Katalin Agoston

    Katalin Agoston


    The hotel is clean but heavily outdated. We could not eat in the restaurant because the chef left early despite our reservation and then it did not open at all - on a Saturday night. The receptionist was friendly but had no idea about anything: they wrote then said that parking will be free of charge for the weekend, but in reality we had to find coins as there is a charge for Saturday mornings. They said the restaurant is open when it was not, they suggested the McDonalds that is 3 kms amay when we wanted to eat. We found lots of restaurants open just a couple of hundred meters away, and so on.... the breakfast was good. The bathroom of the junior suite was apalling

  • András Fejes

    András Fejes


    Old fashioned hotel in the city center

  • Ján Valčo

    Ján Valčo


    Nobody told me there will be a BIG christmas party/discotheque till the early morning. I had to leave the hotel and quickly find another one....

  • Tatiana Laskovicova

    Tatiana Laskovicova


    Excellent position in the centre but quiet. No elevators unfortunately.

  • Ren Martonis

    Ren Martonis


    Fantastic attentive service, good food, fab ambient, good space for a wedding, and suitable rooms for city break. Highly recommend!

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