Hotel Partizán -

SzlovákiaHotel Partizán



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Hétfőnyitott 24 óra
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Bystrá 108 - Tále Brezno, 977 01 Horná Lehota-Tále, Slovakia
érintkezés telefon: +421 48/630 88 00
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 48.873989, Longitude: 19.600124

hozzászólások 5

  • Martin Divis

    Martin Divis


    Wonderful place, great facility, very friendly and helpful staff, nice bar, excellent food quality, spacious rooms, and really, really great fitness and wellness area. Golf course just below the hotels for those interested. Ski area nearby, too, also a great starting point for summer mountain hiking.

  • Krisztina Kupó-Nyers

    Krisztina Kupó-Nyers


    We were there for a dinner with friends in the Restaurant of the Hotel. We loved it so much! The service was really warm and friendly with us and there was live music in the restaurant. We tested their home made tatra tea and the specialties of the Chef. Everything was delicious. :)

  • Martin Matúšek

    Martin Matúšek


    Nice hotel with great services. Hotel rooms are clean and comfy, there is all you need - tv, phone, AC, safe, ... Panorama restaurant offers reasonable amount of top quality food. They have huge selection of vines. There is small fitnesscentrum, nice wellness, and night bar, where you can play darts, pool or even bowling. Definitely recommending this hotel

  • Stefan Miklos

    Stefan Miklos


    Great hotel especially if you are travelling with kids. Staff is very friendly and accommodating. We've been visiting when kids animation was available and the program for kids was fantastic !

  • Sofia Pozsonyiova

    Sofia Pozsonyiova


    This hotel absolutely blew me away! It is not only in a wonderful location, but it also has wonderful service that goes above and beyond. The room we stayed in was extremely spacious and clean with a wonderful panoramic view of the mountains. In regards to meals at the restaurants, the food was great and featured a wide range of foods and even included traditional Slovak foods. For the four days that we were there, we were more than satisfied with all the meals. The hotel also had a numerous amount of things to do for adults and kids alike. The spas were a great place to relax after a long days hike, and are a must see. All in all, we were very satisfied with our stay, the food was exceptional, the staff was helpful, and the location was perfect for us. Would definitely recommend.

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