Hotel Phoenix -

SzlovákiaHotel Phoenix



🕗 Nyitva tartás

16, Kapitulská, 917 01, Trnava, Trnavský kraj, SK Slovakia
érintkezés telefon: +421 902 827 206
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 48.37604, Longitude: 17.592841

hozzászólások 5

  • Jan Jamka

    Jan Jamka



  • en

    Zsolt Garay


    Friendly, familyar hotel, with clean rooms, nice bathrooms. Some renovation need.

  • Marian Boskovic

    Marian Boskovic



  • Adela Heribanová

    Adela Heribanová


    Stayed in the hotel for two nights for friend's wedding. Staff was not friendly and not helpful at all - when we arrived they provided us with keys and that was it. We received no information on breakfast, wi-fi, when we have to leave the room, what keys to use for what gate.. Because of this, we were not aware that on Sunday morning after the wedding, we had to leave the room by 10 am. As a result room cleaners woke us up by banging on our doors and even attempting to get in using their keys. We were lucky we left our room key in the door, otherwise I would have a cleaner running around my room whilst still asleep. Very rude and not professional at all. Room was spacious, but as said in the previous comment, there were no blinds on the glass door and therefore light woke us up in the morning. Handle on the door to the bathroom was broken and we could not shut the door and also one of the opening mechanism on one of the windows was not working properly and it nearly fell on me when I tried to open it. Organisation of the whole wedding was very unprofessional as well and my friend experienced lots of issues throughout the reception. Even though this hotel is close to the town centre, because of my experience I would not recommend anyone to stay here. There are many other hotels in the town that provide better service.

  • Oscar Tejado

    Oscar Tejado


    Nice restaurant eclectic decoration and very nice people.

legközelebbi Szállás

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