Hotel Satellite i Trnavský kraj

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SlovakietHotel Satellite



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Námestie Juraja Murgaša 3, 921 01 Piešťany, Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 33/772 58 33
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.5905076, Longitude: 17.8337948

kommentar 5

  • Miroslav Ficza

    Miroslav Ficza


    Old hotel but if you expected is quite ok. Stuff is really helpfull. I would like to say quite high above average in Slovakia. Breakfast was continental and again a friendly stuff. Not sure about an english speaking personel.

  • Frantisek Debnar

    Frantisek Debnar


    Perfektná poloha v tesnej blízkosti hlavnej ulice v centre mesta. Izby čisté a personál ochotný. Raňajky v cene taká klasika, dá sa vybrať. Hotel by si už asi zaslúžil renováciu, ale myslím si, že cena je adekvátna kvalite ubytovania. My sme mali apartmán s jednou spálňou, a boli sme spolu s dvomi malými deťmi na dve noci. Jediná závažnejšia výčitka je k zle fungujúcemu WC, do ktorého nádržky priteká voda veľmi pomaly, takže po použití bolo treba počkať aspoň hodinu kým sa dalo znova poriadne spláchnuť, čo samozrejme ráno pri obsadenosti štyrmi osobami nie je ideál. Údržbár sa objavil až v deň nášho odchodu, treba ale povedať, že sme to hlásili v piatok neskoro večer a prišiel v nedeľu.

  • Mikhail Svetin

    Mikhail Svetin


    Good hotels

  • Louis Mulera

    Louis Mulera



  • Luba Kralickova

    Luba Kralickova


    The hotel is not too exciting. The room was clean, the furniture a little bit old fashioned, the TV a fishbowl. Even though this hotel's name is satellite, it has cable TV with one English speaking channel. The wellness center is ok, the employees didn't seem too excited about their jobs and I was a bit concerned about the cleanliness. When I was told to lay down on the massage table, the paper on it was obviously used. They didn't have any covers for the face part. The food tasted good in the restaurant but for example for breakfast when they had buffet tables, they were running out of cups for coffee, milk, hot water, rolls... I had to ask for everything and the waitress was then upset with me. The best part of this hotel is its position, right in the center. If this hotel was able to motivate its employees a bit more and focus on customer service, it could better use its potential.

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