Hotel Sitno v Vyhne

SlovenskoHotel Sitno


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🕗 otváracia doba

966 02 Vyhne, Slovakia
kontakty telefón: +421 45/677 21 87
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Latitude: 48.50418, Longitude: 18.7933579

komentári 5

  • Katarina Prochotska

    Katarina Prochotska


    Quiet familly friendly 😉😉😉

  • Andrej Mintal

    Andrej Mintal


    Nice surounding. Hotel is nice and clear.

  • Peter Illés

    Peter Illés


    Service on very good level, staff is very helpful and kind, very nice area for families with kids, lot of entertaiment options, nice surroundings

  • Gabriel Hudak

    Gabriel Hudak


    We've had great stay with kids. Food is good, pool area great. Staff fantastic, especially towards kids. There is huge conference room that is used as big play house with large bouncing castle. Disco for kids, entertainment also in swimming pool. Large pool for swimming and quite big kids pool area with warm water. Outside offers mini golf.

  • Radoslav Hanic

    Radoslav Hanic


    This family hotel is a must visit, if you want to spend quality time with your kids and simultaneously spend some time with your "other half". They have a professional animation team, organize various activities for kids (games, cooking, art etc.) and do babysitting for kids 4+. They are more then prepared for families and the usual family vacation struggles (missing kids accessories, different meals for kids with allergies etc.) and can organize almost anything to satisfy your family needs. The list of positive things could go on. The repeating visits of families speak for themselves. We are also going to visit again soon. Be sure to check their web for kids theme events - mostly on weekends. Outside weekends their animation capacities are limited; in summer whole week with full animation team. The hotel itself is an refurbished older building. The refurbished wellness and spa area - also with kids pools and water slides - is satisfying, the massages very good.

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